Momo Panda
モモパンダ  Peach Panda  December 2000 Momo Panda is a peach colored panda who loves peaches. With his sister, Komomo Panda, and Kame-kun, the fun and enjoyable world of Momo Panda unfolds in simple pink colors. Many Momo Panda designs include fashionable polka dot patterns and silver and gold lamé fabric.
Characters | | | | | | Momo Panda Peach Panda
Momo Panda was born from a peach. His specialty is making sweets and candy from peaches, and he has a peach candy shop.
モモから生まれたモモ色パンダ。モモを使ったをお菓子を作るのが得意で、モモのお菓子屋さんをやっている。 | Komomo Panda Little Peach Panda
She is Momo Panda's sister who was just born from a peach. She loves her older brother and Kamekun.
生まれたばかりのモモパンダの妹。モモとお兄ちゃんとカメくんが大好き。 | Kaerukun Little Frog
He is Momo Panda's friend. He is sensitive to the cold, so he's not around since he is in hibernation.
モモパンダの友達。とても寒がりで冬眠してしまうため、今回のシリーズには不参加。 | Kamekun Little Turtle
He is Momo Panda's friend. He gets the delicious peaches for Momo Panda and Komomo Panda.
モモパンダの友達。モモパンダとコモモパンダによくおいしいモモを差し入れてくれる。 | Mushi-kun Little Bug
He is Momo Panda's rival. He has the same good taste in peaches and loves the same peaches.
モモパンダのタイバル。モモの好みが以ていてよく同じモモを好きになってします。 | Sanshouuo Salamandar
He lives in the secret hotspring, Momo no Yu,¹ and shows Momo Panda and Komomo Panda around Momo no Yu.
秘湯「ももの湯」に住んでいて、モモパンダ、コモモパンダにモモの湯を案内してくれたりする。 |
Designs Momo no Yu ni kimashta ♨
モモの湯にきました♨  Went to Momo no Yu  December 2001 In response to the heated excitement, Momo Panda returned! This story has an onsen theme. At the carefree and relaxing onsen,¹ Momo Panda and everyone spends their time finding peace of mind. Don't miss the new character, Sanshouuokun, who joins the fun world of Momo Panda.
熱い声援にお応えして、モモパンダが帰ってきました!第3弾になる今回は温泉がテーマです。のんびりゆったり温泉ですごすモモパンダ達は見ているだけで心がなごむほほえましさです。新キャラのサンショウウオくんも加わってますます楽しいモモパンダワールドは見逃せません。 |
Translation Notes - An onsen (温泉) is a term for hot springs in the Japanese language, though the term is often used to describe the bathing facilities and inns around the hot springs. A volcanically active country, Japan has thousands of onsen scattered along its length and breadth. Onsen were traditionally used as public bathing places and today play a central role in directing Japanese domestic tourism. The presence of an onsen is often indicated on signs and maps by the symbol ♨ or the kanji, 湯 (yu, meaning "hot water"). Wikipedia: Onsen
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