Mikan Bouya
Mikan Bouya
みかんぼうや  Little Mandarin Orange ¹ Boy  December 2001 San-X PDF Mikan Bouya is a teeny tiny mikan boy. In the future, he dreams of becoming a splendid reitou mikan,² and so he begins his exciting journey! He has tons of fun and delicious (?) friends, including Yuzuchan and Sudachichan!! With eye opening bright orange colors, let's coordinate vigorously!
みかんぼうやはちっちゃなみかんの男の子。 将来、立派な冷凍みかんになりことを夢見て、ドッキドキの旅のはじまり!!ゆずちゃんやすだちちゃんなど、楽しくておいしい(?)仲間もいっぱい!!目を さめるような明るいオレンジ色で、文房具から雑貨まで元気のコーディネートしちゃおう!
Characters | | | | Mikan Bouya Little Mandarin Orange Boy
He is a go-getter unshuu mikan.¹ Even though it will be cold, his dream is to become a reitou mikan² which is loved by children.
がんばりやさんの温州みかん。さむがりなのに子供たちの好きな冷凍みかんになるのが夢。 | Yuzuchan Little Yuzu³
She loves taking baths. As everyday passes with fun and happiness, she is like an older sister to Mikan Bouya. Yuzuchan's favorite is big ice cream.
おフロ好き。毎日が楽しく幸せに過ぎていく、みかんぼうやのお姉さん的存在。 ユズちゃんのお気に入りは大きなアイスクリーム。 | Sudachichan Little Sudachi
Sudachichan is stylish as he wears his sun visor. He is cool. He doesn't want to do pointless things. He is definitely the straight man.
サンバイザーをかぶったおしゃれなスダチちゃん。クール。ムダなことはしたくないと思っている。つっこみがするどい。 | Lemonsan Mr. Lemon
He is a lemon that is personally frustrated with the sourness in his lemon face.
自らすっぱい顔がしみついてしまったレモンの中のレモン。 | | | | Grapegruit Shimai Grapefruit Sisters
Rubychan (right) and Whitechan (left). They are adult sisters who love Mikan Bouya. The two are always together.
ルビーちゃん(右)とホワイトちゃん(左)。みかんぼうやをかわいがる大人のお姉さん。 2人はいつもいっしょ。 | Mr Orange Mr Orange
Even though his words are not understood, he is cheerful and encourages Mikan Bouya fantastically. Mr. Orange works hard in good spirit and everyone comes to play. Mikan Bouya's heart pounds with excitement.
言葉は通じなくても、明るく、みかんぼうやをせいいっぱい勇気づける。 みんながあそびに来て、はりきるMr. オレンジ。みかんぼうやはドキドキワクワク。 | Dekopon to House Mikan Dekopon and House Mikan
House Mikan had a sheltered upbringing and is a selfish, spoiled little boy; Dekopon is intense, watch out for his hot eyes. They are solid and dependable.
温室育ちのワガママおぼっちゃまハウスみかんと、彼を厳しくもあたたかい目で見守るでこぽん。どっしりとしていて、頼りがいがある。 | | | | | | Ichigochan Little Strawberry
She loves milk! She is an energetic girl. She is good at making desserts.
MILK大好き!!元気っコの女のコ。デザート作りもとくいなんだよ。 | Peachin Peach
She is a shy girl who loves flowers. She is very kind.
お花が大スキな恥ずかしがりやの女のコ。とってもやさしいよ。 | Berry Boy Berry Boy
Within the group, he is the number one itsy bitsy. This little boy likes to play tricks and has a healthy appetite. He sort of depends on the kindness of other people.
メイツの中で一番チビッコ。いたずら好きでくいしんぼうの男のコ。ちょっと甘えん坊だよ。 | Bloodkun Little Blood Orange
With lots of energy, he is a trickster.
元気いっぱいでいたずらっこ。 | Gurefurukun Little Grapefruit
Grapekun is treated like a younger brother and always sticks by others when they play.
ブラッドくんにいつもくっついて遊んでいる弟分。 | | | | Cranberrychan Little Cranberry
This girl always holds back and is a little bit of a shy person.
いつも控えめでちょっぴり恥ずかしがりやの女の子。 | Raspberrychan Little Raspberry
This girl is little bit selfish and will instantly begin to cry causing trouble for everyone.
ちょっぴりわがままですぐに泣いてみんなを困らせちゃう女の子。 | Peach-rou Peach Boy
This boy is spacey, but he is cheerful and fun, and he has a healthy appetite!
ぼーっとしてるけど、明るくて楽しい、食いしんぼうな男の子! |
Translation Notes - A mikan (みかん) is a citrus unshiu which is a seedless and easy-peeling citrus mutant of Chinese origin, but introduced to the West via Japan. In Japan, it is known as unshu mikan (温州蜜柑). It is also often known as "Seedless mandarin" or as a satsuma. Its fruit is sweet and usually seedless, about the size of other mandarin oranges, smaller than an orange. One of the distinguishing features of the mikan is the distinctive thin, leathery skin dotted with large and prominent oil glands, which is lightly attached around the fruit, enabling it to be peeled very easily in comparison to other citrus fruits. Wikipedia: Mikan
- Reitou mikan (冷凍みかん) is a food product where the mikan is frozen. It is a type of dessert, commonly found in school lunches, and it can also be bought at the super market or at frozen snacks stands. It was one of the earliest desserts sold on board a train. Wikipedia: 冷凍みかん(れいとうみかん)
- A yuzu (ユズ, 柚, 柚子) is a citrus fruit originating in East Asia. It is believed to be a hybrid of sour mandarin and Ichang papeda. The fruit looks a bit like a very small grapefruit with an uneven skin, and can be either yellow or green depending on the degree of ripeness. Yuzu is also known for its characteristically strong aroma, and the oil from its skin is marketed as a fragrance. In Japan, bathing with yuzu on Toji (the winter solstice) is a popular custom. The whole fruits are floated in the hot water of the bath (sometimes enclosed in a cloth bag), releasing their aroma. Wikipedia: Yuzu
- Sudachi (スダチ or 酢橘) is a small, round, green citrus fruit that is relatively unknown outside Japan, where it is used alongside another citrus fruit, the yuzu and the kabosu. Wikipedia: Sudachi
- Manzai (漫才) is a style of stand-up comedy in Japan, which usually involves two performers―a straight man (tsukkomi) and a funny man (boke)―trading jokes at great speed. Most of the jokes revolve around mutual misunderstandings, double-talk, puns and other verbal gags. Manzai is a type of double act, which is also known as a comedy duo, and is a comic device in which humor is derived from the uneven relationship between two partners, usually of the same gender, age, ethnic origin, and profession, but drastically different personalities. Often one of them, the straight man, feed or stooge is portrayed as reasonable and serious, and the other one, the funny man or comic is portrayed as funny, unintelligent or unorthodox. Wikipedia: Manzai, Wikipedia: Double Act
- Dekopon (デコポン) is a seedless and highly sweet hybrid between Kiyomi and ponkan, developed in Japan in 1972. While "dekopon" was originally a brand name, it has become a genericized trademark and it is used to refer to all brands of the fruit; the generic name is shiranui (不知火). Dekopon fruit is quite distinctive due to its sweet taste, large size and the large protruding bump on the top of the fruit. Its name is most likely derived from a portmanteau between the kanji 凸 (deko; meaning 'uneven') as a reference to its bump, and the 'pon' in ponkan (ポン柑; one of the fruits that it is derived from) to create 'dekopon' (デコポン). The fruits are usually grown in large greenhouses to keep them at a constant temperature, and are harvested during January (winter in Japan). Wikipedia: Dekopon
- House mikan (ハウスみかん) are produced under a controlled growing environment in green houses with improved technology and can be found on the market almost all year round.