 | 小屋犬  Cottage Dog  April 2001 In the world, there are various kinds of dogs, but until now it's probably not possible that you had the experience to see such a unique dog!? Koyainu's everyday is roofed with tons of fun.
Characters | Koyainu Cottage Dog
This mysterious dog has a roof attached to its head. Therefore, it has no concern about rainy days!! He protects everyone from hot summer days by being in the middle!
あたまに屋根が付いた不思議な犬。だから雨の日はへっちゃら!! 夏の暑い日差しからもみんなを守るよ! |
| | | | | | Sausage Inu Sausage Dog
Being similar to a sausage, Sausage Inu is a friend of Koyainu. He is envious of Koyainu's roof.
ソーセージに似ている小屋犬のお友達。 小屋犬の屋根をうらやましく思っている。 | Kininaruanoko That one on one's mind
Koyainu gives his heart to this fair skinned cutie.
小屋犬が想いを寄せている色白のかわいこちゃん。 | Torisan Mr. Bird
They take shelter from the rain under Koyainu's roof and make a nest and do various other things. They also help with cleaning the roof.
小屋犬で雨宿りしたり屋根に巣をつくったりいろいろしている。屋根掃除を手伝ってくれることも。 | Teruteru Bouzu¹ Shiny-shiny Buddhist Priest
The bird hangs teruteru bouzu. He wishes with all his heart that the weather will clear up.
鳥が下げていくてるてる坊主。晴れますようにの願いをこめて。 | Nekosan Mr. Cat
He receives much shelter from the rain from Koyainu. Someday, he wants to bask in the sun on the roof.
小屋犬によく雨宿りさせてもらう。いつか屋根の上でひなたぼっこしたい、とおもっている。 | Sonota Koyainu Other Cottage Dogs
Somehow, it appears that there are many cottage dogs. There exists various types of colors.
どうやら小屋犬はいっぱいいるらしい。いろいろな色のタイプが存在する。 |
Translation Notes - Teru teru bōzu (てるてる坊主), literally meaning "shiny-shiny Buddhist priest," is a little traditional hand-made doll made of white paper or cloth that Japanese farmers began hanging outside of their window by a string. This amulet is supposed to have magical powers to bring good weather and to stop or prevent a rainy day. "Teru" is a Japanese verb which describes sunshine, and a "bōzu" is a Buddhist monk (compare the word bonze), or in modern slang, "bald-headed." Today, children make teru-teru-bōzu out of tissue paper or cotton and string and hang them from a window to wish for sunny weather, often before a school picnic day. Hanging it upside down - with its head pointing downside - acts like a prayer for rain. They are still a very common sight in Japan. Wikipedia: Teru teru bozu.
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