
May 4, 2012 - Thank you to everyone who has been visiting. I plan to update weekly now so be sure to check back every Monday for a new crazy cute character! Requests are very welcome and so far Mamegoma, Rilakkuma, and Nyan Nyan Nyanko have been requested and are in the process.... please be patient as there is a lot of information about them! Please keep spreading the word about the cuteness of San-X!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Koneko Asobi

こねこあそび Kitten Play January 2001

The year 2001!! A new year begins at just the right moment!! Since everyone is playing sugoroku,¹ cards, fortune telling, and other psychological games, of course all your friends will be excited that they can play with Koneko Asobi!²



Translation Notes
  1. Sugoroku (双六) refers to two different forms of Japanese board game, one similar to western backgammon and the other similar to western Snakes and ladders. Wikipedia: Sugoroku.
  2. The actual products (i.e. stationary) have little games on them that you can actually play.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely *-* Do you know where can i get that cute map? =)

