After so many years since my first translation in 2002 with the help of Tom, Sensei, and others, of my favorite San-X character, Cheese Family, or Cheese Ikka, I have revisited it. I made some changes in the translation of Cheese Village (Cheese Mura) and actually translated all the character descriptions, moving the other bits from RM Licensing to the Translation Notes section. I also collected all the other members of this crazy cheese world so we can know everyone by name! Thank you to those who have previously visited my Cheese Family fansite, and of course the Cheese Test, which has actually received exponentially more hits than any of my other creations.
I am also using the name "Cheese Ikka" instead of "Cheese Family," which I know is everywhere on the internet now and what everyone knows these crazy cheese characters as, since I am following my method for all my other San-X character translations. I know it sounds funny, this is a big change for me, too!
Cheese Ikka Japanese Name: チーズ一家 Literal Translation: Cheese Family Released: February 2001 Original Japanese: WWW PDF
Cheese Ikka is a complete group of individual personalities. The overlooked way of life of cheese is now revealed!?
There are the always lovey-dovey Papa and Mama and the close-knit 6P cheese1 siblings. The fun and cute world of Cheese Ikka is packed full. Notice the many cheese characters that appear, such as Camembertkun and Dancer Kona2 Cheese!
Cheese Mura Map Cheese Village Map

(1) Cheese House The Cheese Family's house. It was built by the father. (2) Pizza Crispy This is the pizza shop where where the father and mother first met. (3) Dr. Chevre's House He's the wisest in the town. He is a professor who studies cheese. (4) Aunt Milk's House The concentrated milk comes from the milk well. (5) Grandfather Blue Cheese's House His historical house is from a former era 50 years ago. (6) Mice Forest Cheese Ikka is extremely afraid of the mice's hideout. (7) Camembert's House Because the house is so soft, it is constantly falling down and it has to be rebuilt. (8) Parmesan Mansion They are very rich cheese with a huge, luxurious house. It is the best district in town and they even have a pool and private chauffeur. (9) Wine Bar Bourgogne Miss Bourgogne works at the wine bar. She is the most beautiful in town. (10) Club Smoke With gyaru3 dancers, this is where the young men hang out. (11) Public Bath House Mrs. Mozzarella works here and owns this public bath house.3 (12) Calcium Gym The cheese work out so they can become like Calcium no Ooi Cheese!?
| (1) チーズハウス チーズ一家の家。お父さんが建てました。 (2) ピザ・クリスピー お父さんとお母さんが初めて出会ったピザ屋さん。 (3) シェーブルさんち 村いちばんの物知り、チーズ研究家のシェブル博士。 (4) ミルクおばさんち ミルク井戸からは濃度ミルクがわきます。 (5) ブルーチーズおじいちゃんち 50年も昔からある由緒正しい家。 (6) ねずみのもり チーズ一家が最も恐れているねずみのすみか。 (7) カメンベール家 柔らかいので崩れるたび建て直している。 (8) パルメザン邸 お金持ちの大豪邸。一等地にプールと外車付き! (9) ワインバー・ブルゴーニュ ここで働くブルゴーニュ嬢さんは村のマドンナ。 (10) クラブ・スモーク ギャルにダンサー、若者の集う人気スポット。 (11) ちいむの湯 モッツアレラおばさんがきりもりするあったか銭湯。 (12) カルシウム・ジム 鍛えるとカルシウムの多いチーズになれる!?
Characters  |  | 10 Nenmono・Chichi 10 years old・Father
Type: Emmental cheese He is the central pillar of the family. He is an architect and good at cooking. He is head-over-heels in love with Mama, and he has no chance against Mama's melting attack.5
しゅるい:エメンタールチーズ 一家のだいこく柱。建築家で、料理がとくい。ママとはラブラブで、ママのとろける攻撃にはかなわないみたい。
| Torokeru Lady・Haha Melting Lady・Mother
Type: Torokeru cheese6 She is a little clumsy and is a carefree person, and a very charming mama. Right now, she is making strong efforts for housewife tasks!7
しゅるい:とろけるチーズ ちょっぴりドジでのんびり屋だけど、とってもチャーミングなママ。ただいま、主婦業にふんとう中!
6P Cheese1 Kyoudai 6P Cheese Siblings
 |  |  |  |  |  | Chiiniichan (chounan) Chee8 Older Brother (eldest son)
He is just a little bit of a bully. Apparently, he was previously part of a gang.9
| Plain (jinan) Plain (second son)
He is quiet and reserved. He is very kind when others are in trouble.10
| Blue (sannan) Blue (third son)
He tends to be lonely, and when he is alone he cries...11
| Cran (choujo) Cran (eldest daughter)
She is a tomboyish girl. Her dream for the future is to become a cake shop owner!12
| Cream (yonnan) Cream (fourth son)
He longs to be like Chiiniichan! He wants to grow up quickly.13
| Nuts (jijo) Nuts (second daughter)
She is a spoiled child but friendly. However, she may be a little open to anything?!14
 |  熟成・祖父 |  なめらかとろとろ・祖母 |  お徳用サイズ・祖父 |  とろけてまったり・祖母 | Baby Cheese Baby Cheese
| Jukusei・Sofu Fermented・Grandfather
Type: Gorgonzola He is a blue cheese grandfather.
しゅるい: ゴルゴンソーラ ブルーチーズじいさん。 | Namerakatorotoro・Sobo Smooth Liquid・Grandmother
Type: Yogurt She is a yogurt grandmother.
しゅるい: ヨーグルト ヨーグルトおばあちゃん。 | Otokuyou Size・Sofu Economical Size・Grandfather
Type: Slice cheese
しゅるい: スライズチーズ
| Toroketemattari・Sobo Rich and Melty・Grandmother
Type: Torokeru cheese6
しゅるい: とろけるチーズ
 |  |  |  | Wine Jousan Miss Wine
Miss Bourgogne works at the wine bar. She is the most beautiful in town.
| Chèvresan Mr. Chèvre
He's the wisest in the town. He is a professor who studies cheese.
| Milk Obasan Milk Aunt
Her concentrated milk comes from the milk well.
| Calcium no Ooi Cheese Lots of Calcium Cheese
The cheese work out so they can become like Calcium no Ooi Cheese!?
 |  |  |  | Camembertkun Little Camembert
Because his house is so soft, it is constantly falling down and it has to be rebuilt.
| Ganguro Smoke Cheese Ganguro15 Smoke Cheese
Club Smoke: With gyaru3 dancers, this is where the young men hang out.
クラブ・スモーク: ギャルにダンサー、若者の集う人気スポット。
| Parmesan Kyoudai Parmesan Brothers
They are very rich cheese with a huge, luxurious house. It is the best district in town and they even have a pool and private chauffeur.
| Mozzarella Obasan Mozzarella Aunt
Mrs. Mozzarella works at and owns the public bath house.
 |  |  |  |  |  | Slice Obasan Slice Aunt
| Chiichiku Cheechiku16
| Chiikama Niichan Cheekama17 Older Brother
| Dancer Kona Cheese Dancer Grated Cheese
| Chiitara Cheetara18
| Cream Cheesesan Mr. Cream Cheese
 |  |  |  |  | Shinkoibito Tabasuko New Lover Tabasco Girl19
| Sakeru Cheesekun Little String Cheese
| Salami Oyajiizu Salami Old Men20 Cheese
| Sausagekun Little Sausage
| Kyuu Butai (Shikakui Cheese) Cube Unit21 (Square Cheese)
 Some images were provided by Mitochondria Eve and some images are from
Translation Notes
- 6P Cheese is a type of cheese in Japan where there are 6 equal pieces of cheese that form a circle. This makes the most sense as a visual explanation, so please look here: Snow 6P. So these 6 cheese siblings are the 6 pieces from this type of Japanese cheese brand.
- Kona cheese (粉チーズ) is grated cheese.
- Gyaru (ギャル) is a Japanese transliteration of the American English word gal. This word refers to a type of Japanese girls who dress in gyaru fashion, which is artificial and trying to look Western. Ganguro is a type of gyaru fashion.Wikipedia: Gyaru
- Sentō (銭湯) is a type of Japanese communal bath house where customers pay for entrance. They were used before everyone had their own baths in homes. Now, usually only the older generation still use them and often go in groups for socialization. Like onsen, wearing any swimming clothing is taboo and everyone just bathes naked together. Sentou are different from onsen since the water does not come from the hot springs. Wikipedia: Sento
- The "melting attack" seems to refer to when they sort of melt together and he cannot resist the mother's charm. From other sources: He is the head of the family. He is an architect and he built the house. He loves his wife and never gets angry with her. (He is so weak against Mother's charming.) He is good at cooking and cheese fondue is his best dish. He also likes red wine. It is hard for him to deal with mice. His favorite phrase is "Let's forget it."
- Torokeru cheese is cheese that is melted. Torokeru (とろける) means to melt (to a liquid) or to be enchanted with; to be charmed; to be bewitched. There is a pun here where she is this type of cheese and also charms her husband to probably not be angry with her.
- From other sources: Torokeru Lady is a bit stubborn and lazy as well as careless and carefree. But she is charming. Despite that, she gets along very well with Father and is trying her best to be a good housewife. When she was young, many other guys were attracted to her.
- Presumably, "chee" (チー) is short for "cheese" (チーズ).
- From other sources: Chiiniichan is a nasty bully and likes to show off. Although he is the eldest son, he is the trouble-maker in the family. He always bullies Blue. He was the leader of a triad group, a gang called "teamer," but he quit.
- From other sources: Plain is very modest, quiet, and shy, totally the opposite of his eldest brother. He is so kind that if he sees someone in trouble or need, he will go help them without a doubt.
- From other sources: Blue is a coward and is always bullied by the others. He is lonely and always needs to be with others or else he will cry when he is alone.
- From other sources: Cran is a strong-minded and naughty tomboy. When she grows up, she wants to be a cake baker and open a cake shop.
- From other sources: Cream wants to grow up fast. He idolizes his oldest brother. He admires Chee-chan (his eldest brother) so much because he is very curious about the world. He hates the strawberry cream on his head because it seems too childish. He wants to have Chee-chan's white cream instead.
- From other sources: Nuts always needs attention and is a spoiled child because everybody loves her. But she gets along well with others. She likes Plain brother and Grandmother Yogurt most at the moment.
- Ganguro (Kanji:顔黒 Hiragana: がんぐろ Katakana: ガングロ literally: "face black") is an alternative fashion trend of blonde or orange hair and tanned skin among young Japanese women that peaked in popularity around the year 2000, but remains evident today. The Shibuya and Ikebukuro districts of Tokyo are the center of ganguro fashion. Ganguro is a type of gyaru fashion (see above). Wikipedia: Ganguro
- Chiichiku, chi-chiku, cheechiku, chee-chiku, or chee chiku (チーちく) is broiled white fish cake rolled up in a ring shape with creamy Camembert cheese inside. (「チーちく」は、クリーミーなカマンベール入りチーズを白身魚のすり身でぐるりと巻き込んだ、紀文の人気商品です。) This is another item that really needs a visual: チーちく, image.
- Chiikama, che-kama, or cheekama (チーかま) is fish sausage with cheese inside. (「チーかま」とはチーズの入ったかまぼこです。) image
- Chiitara, che-tara, or cheetara (チーたら) is cheese that resembles a rectangle shape and is made up of many different cheese. (チーたらとは似ても似つかない四角形。チーたらとは違い、チーズの割合が多いです。) image
- Shinkoibito Tabasuko (新恋人タバス子) has a pun in the "Tabasco" part. Instead of writing tabasco (ta ba su ko) fulled in katakana (タバスコ), the "ko" part is in kanji (子) and can mean child or girl.
- Oyaji (おやじ or オヤジ) usually refers to an old perverted man, common in anime, in particular Ranma 1/2. These salami oyaji are certainly drooling like that image. There is also a pun with "oyajiizu" (おやじーズ) as it combines "oyaji" (おやじ) with "chiizu" (チーズ, cheese) since ji and chi are similar in sound.
- Kyuubutai (キュー部隊) combines the words "cube" (キューブ) and "butai" (部隊) where the first part of cube is combined with butai as these guys are cube shaped.
Oooo..... Cheesy LOVE IT !!!!!
ReplyDeleteI Love Cheese
ReplyDeleteooo this comment was 10 years ago lmao
Deletecheese ikka is so underrated