Soreike Otamachan!
Soreike Otamachan!
それ行けお玉ちゃん!  Leader Little Onion!  September 2005 San-X PDF For the purpose of the delicious meals, such as curry¹ and hamburgers, loved by everyone, Otamachan does intensive training everyday. With many close friends, everyday is packed fully with fun.
みんなが大好きなカレーやハンバーガーなどおいしい料理になるために日々とっくんしている「お玉ちゃん」。たくさんの仲間たちとくり広げる楽しい毎日が ぎっしり詰まったシリーズです。
Characters | | | | Otamachan Little Onion
She is single-heartedly genuine but overly sentimental.
じゅんすいでいちず。涙もろいのです。 | Papuchan Little Paprika
They are three paprika siblings full of energy.
げんきいっぱいパプリカ3きょうだい。 | Tomappi Cute Little Tomato
He is a scatterbrain who inspires the others.★ He is brightly colored.
おちょうしもののムードメーカー★あかるくいろどるよ。 | Burokko Broccoli Child
Now she only has a minor role but she makes great effort for prospects of becoming an idol.
いまはわき役だけどアイドルをゆめみてどりょくくてるの。 | | | | | Jyagarou Potato Boy
There is some chemistry with Otamachan. They are best friends.
お玉ちゃんとあいしょうバッグン!!だいしんゆうだよ。 | Cabbage Cabbage
It doesn't want to become shredded.
せんぎりになるのだけはイヤだとおもっています。 | Applechan Little Apple
She has a little bit of a shy nature. She is very nervous.
ちょっぴりはずかしがりや。ドキドキしてるの。 | Ninsan Mr. Carrot
Everyone depends on him as an older brother.
たよれるみんなのお兄ちゃんてきそんざい。 | | | | | Kabuccho Little Turnip
He has few chances to be a part but everyone encourages him.
でばんはすくないけどみんなをおうえんしてます。 | Mamecchi Little Beans
They are very interested in health. They also check food topics for beans.
けんこうオタク。わだいのしょくひんもマメにチェックしてるよ。 | Masshuu Mushroom
They are food critics called Masshuu Check!!
りょうりひょうろんかマッシューチェック!! | Ruuchan Little Roux²
Melting yumminess is under investigation!!
とろけるおいしさをけんきゅう中!! |
Translation Notes - Curry refers to Japanese curry, which is more sweet than spicy. The main vegetable ingredients are onions, carrots, and potatoes. For the meat, beef, pork, chicken and sometimes duck are the most popular. Japanese curry is not a soup but instead a sort of stew that is eaten on top of rice. Wikipedia: Japanese curry
- Curry roux (カレールー) is a ready-made curry sauce mix that look like little brown cubes which are melted with hot water to make the sauce. Wikiepdia: Japanese curry
- I've seen that a sort of unoffical English name for Soreike Otamachan! is "Soup Family." However, this is not a translation of the name nor are the characters solely about soup, which actually isn't soup but Japanese curry (as explained above). The vegetable characters not only frequent the curry but also hamburgers, spaghetti, and more!
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