Monday, June 17, 2013



Japanese Name: ねむりねこ
Literal Translation: Sleepy Cat
Released: January 2003
Original Japanese: WWW

No matter how much he sleeps, it's not enough...

It doesn't matter when, where, or how, he always wants to sleep! Introducing the Nemurineko series, full of sleepy tales that will make you laugh without thought! As you laugh while looking at these sleeping cats, you'll realize the truth that you too have experienced the same... If you find yourself surely falling asleep even in the store, wake up!

Everyone, have you gotten proper sleep? Did you sleep well yesterday? Sleep is important. Nemurineko is an example of how if you get plenty of sleep, you'll feel plenty energetic!



皆さんちゃんと睡眠とってますか?昨日はよくねむれましたか?睡眠は大事です。 ねむりねこをお手本にいっぱい眠っていっぱい元気になりましょう!

Sleepy Cat

It's not that he can't get enough sleep, but he sleeps whenever and wherever. He's a cat that loves to sleep. He fights with the Sandman every day, and today is pretty much the same.

寝不足なわけじゃないけれど、いつでもどこでも眠くなる、 眠ることが大好きなねこ。 毎日睡魔とたたかって、今日もなんとか、生活しています。
Little Kitty

He frequently takes afternoon naps with Nemurineko. When Nemukineko is sound asleep, he's kind and will tuck him in the futon.

ねむりねことよく一緒にお昼寝しているちびっこ。 ねむりねこがいぬむりしてると布団をそっとかけてくれるやさしい子。

Sleeping soundly inside the crib is Akachan, who looks well. This sort of thing is Nemurineko's dream life.

気持ちよさそうなゆりかごの中で、すやすや寝る赤ちゃん。 ねむりねこのあこがれの生活です。
Kowai Obasan
Scary Lady

This lady will scold Nemurineko in the mornings when he falls asleep in the middle of class and won't wake up. Despite not being featured very often, she is a surprisingly popular character.

授業中に寝ちゃったり朝なかなか起きないねむりねこをしかる、恐いおばさん。 たま一にしか登場しないのに、意外と人気者。

Although he doesn't talk much, he is a good friend that quietly watches over Chibikko and Nemurineko when they nap together. They don't move much.1

口数はすくないけれど、ちびっこと一緒にねむりねこをそっと見守るお友達。 ねぞうがよい。


Dani is back with more translations! There will be a cat theme as she loves cats...! Thank you, Dani :D

Translation Notes

1. 寝相が良い (Nezou ga yoi) means to sleep with good posture/without tossing and turning. I assume if he's watching over the other two sleeping, it means they sleep well as he keeps an eye on them.

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