Monday, May 13, 2013

Mixed Cats

Mixed Cats

Japanese Name: ミックスドキャッツ
Literal Translation: Mixed Cats
Released: September 2002
Original Japanese: WWW & WWW

A friendship series involving cats with unique individuality has arrived! These cats are self-willed with a particular cuteness about them. This new series is packed with long-awaited amusement and fun! These cats are in a pleasing touching environment. If you love cats, these guys will be unbearably charming. They’re firmly popular even among adults. You can’t grow tired, no matter how many times you watch, of these extremely cute and slightly mischievious cats! These cats’ slogan seems to be “Let’s have fun everyday!”

Mixed cats have a touch of humor that make them cute. Watercolor gives a gentle touch. Surely they’ll fill the hearts of those who watch them! Here we have individually charming cats. Look for your own favorite cat, and shower them with affection!

個性豊かなネコたちの友人シリーズが発場! 勝手気ままなネコ特有の可愛さ、おもしろさがたくさんつまったファン待望の新シリーズです! タッチの雰囲気がやさしいネコたち。 ネコ好きにはたまらない愛らしいしぐさ。 大人にも根強い人気です。 とってもキュートでちょっぴりいたずら好きのネコたちはいつまで見てても飽きないね! 「毎日を楽しく!」これがネコたちの合い言葉みたい。

水彩のやさしいタッチをユーモラスなネコのしぐさがかわいいミックスドキャッツ。 きっと見ている人の心をなこませてくれるはず! ここには個性的な愛嬌のあるネコ達がたくさんいます。 あなたのお気に入りを見つけて、 かわいがってあげて下さいね!

They move with mischievious hearts!

You think they’re trying to hide?

Good luck catching those bubbles!

They are soap bubbles, so make sure you dry up afterwards!



Dani is back with more translations! There will be a cat theme as she loves cats...! Thank you, Dani :D

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