Monday, December 24, 2012

Koinu no Toromi

Koinu no Toromi

Japanese Name: こいぬのとろみ
Literal Translation: Toromi the Puppy
Released: October 2012
Original Japanese: WWW

She is Toromi. She spends her time lazily and mochi-like.1 In their home, a new French bull dog puppy was born. Her name is "Toromi." As her namesake, her very slow and stupid movement is cute! She is like mochi to the touch and she comforts everyday.

とろみです。とろとろ、もちもち過ごしてます。 我が家にフレンチブルドッグのこいぬがやってきました。 なまえは『とろみ』。なまえ通り、とってもトロい動きがかわいい! さわりごこちはおもちみたいにモッチモチで毎日いやされています。


A cute French bull dog girl puppy with cute very slow and stupid movements. Her mochi texture to the touch looks like real mochi. She is constantly sleeping, and her appearance of her everyday movement is interesting and always amusing. Because she's a big eater, at meal times she is a little bit more active than usual. But she is really slow with the food.

Name: Toromi
Birthday: October 6 (Day of Toro2)
Breed: French bull dog
Favorite food: mochi, sweets, soft food
Disliked food: hot food, things that move…
Personality: A little bit stupid but she is immensely curious! Surprising and a prankster.
Special skill: imitation
Pecularity: When she walks, she makes the sounds "tochi, techi."
Favorite toy: Pink little bear

とってもトロ〜い動作がかわいいフレンチブルのこいぬのおんなの子。 モチモチのさわり心地は本物のおもちみたい。 しょっちゅう眠っていて、その姿は毎日すごしおもしろくていつも笑ってしまいます。 食いしん坊なのでお食事のときだけはいつもよりちょっぴりすばやい! でも食べるのは遅いんだよな〜。

Toromi Mama (Kanrinin)
Toromi Mama (Administrator)

Toromi's mama. She is a usual and uninteresting office lady.3 Her hobby is going out and trying foods.♡ Toromi also comes by means of a stroll and participates in the hobby, and going out and trying foods becomes a little healthy. Her enjoyment is taking photos of Toromi. It is fun for her to add captions to the photos of Toromi.

とろみのママ。ふだんはしがないOL。 趣味は食べ歩き♡ とろみが来たことによって散歩も趣味に加わり、すこ〜し健康的な食べ歩きになりました。 楽しみはとろみの写真をとること。 とろみの写真にセリフつけたりするのが楽しい♪


"Toromi" means "thick" with the definition of slow, dense, and dumb. This little silly puppy looks and feels like mochi!

Japanese Culture

1. Mochi (餅) is a Japanese rice cake made of glutinous rice (not to be confused with gluten) pounded into paste and molded into the desired shape. In Japan it is traditionally made in a ceremony called mochitsuki. While also eaten year-round, mochi is a traditional food for the Japanese New Year and is commonly sold and eaten during that time. Wikipedia: Mochi

2. Toro no Hi (トロの日, Day of Toro) on October 6, 2012 was a special event day for the character, "Toro," a white cat. Toro no Omise

3. An office lady, often abbreviated OL, is a female office worker in Japan who performs generally pink collar tasks such as serving tea and secretarial or clerical work. OLs are often unmarried and live with their parents well into early adulthood. Office ladies are usually full-time permanent staff, although the jobs they do usually have little opportunity for promotion, and there is usually the tacit expectation that they leave their jobs once they get married. Wikipedia: Office lady (OL)

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