Hamuchan Shoutengai Japanese Name: ハムちゃん商店街 Literal Translation: Little Hamster Shopping District Released: September 2000 Original Japanese: WWW PDF
In "Hamuchan Shoutengai," there are various shops and stores including eateries, bento shops, clothing stores, and cafes!! However, the merchandise and menus of the shops cater to Hamuchan...therefore, the shopping district is always filled with hamsters.
 Hamu Jinja Japanese Name: ハム神社 Literal Translation: Hamster Shinto Shrine Released: February 2001 Original Japanese: WWW PDF
They will grant your wish. In the hamster Shinto shrine, there are tons of cute omamori!1 These good fortune inviting little hamsters can help with everyone's dreams! Since there are omamori1 for "love," "studies," "money," "friendship," and "good fortune," choose what you like!
 Hamu Ginkou Japanese Name: ハム銀行 Literal Translation: Hamster Bank Released: February 2001 Original Japanese: WWW PDF
Here is the bank in Hamuchan Shoutengai! Hamu Ginkou is looking forward to providing the special services regarding money.
Translation Notes
- Omamori (お守り) are Japanese amulets dedicated to particular Shinto deities as well as Buddhist figures. The word mamori (守り) means protection, with omamori meaning "honorable protector." Wikipedia: Omamori
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