Friday, May 14, 2010

Chokotto Iikoto!

Kappa are still very much a part of life in Japan and even can come up in conversation quite easily (if you study Japanese anyway). Recently, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (国土交通省) established Kawanohi (川の日), "River Day," in 1996 and even have a kappa logo for the event. Here we have a kappa character that preceded the now very famous Sabokappa. Meet Chokotto Iikoto! This character sports around cucumbers and even has pictures of him looking up at the stars in reference to Tanabata, July 7, the same day as Kawanohi.

Chokotto Iikoto!

Japanese Name: ちょこっといいこと!
Literal Translation: Little Good Thing
Released: July 2003
Original Japanese: WWW PDF

"Chokotto Iikoto" is about a little kappa1 that lives in my house. With a single heart-warming word, this "Chokotto Iikoto" kappa can put me at ease! Look for him because he is waiting so he can go to everyone's houses!

The Secret of the Little Kappa
1. The name of the little kappa in my house that makes me happy is Kounokaparou. I am calling this kappa thing Chokokappa.2 His birthday is July 7, Kawanohi.3 It appears he is 3 years-old.

2. Chokokappa's height is 8cm and 6mm. One day, he came out of the faucet in the kitchen in my house. He is a little kappa in my house that makes me happy.

3. Introduction of Chokokappa's friends in my house.
Kawaikapami Kawamurakapata Kawadakapako Kaeru
Friends are treasures, don't you think?

4. The little kappa in my house that makes me happy. He makes those who see him happy. As a matter of fact...he has a little cup on his head. This calm and carefree little kappa is in the kitchen in my house. Perhaps he may be in your house as well.


その1 しあわせにしてくれるぼくんちのちいさなかっぱ名前は河野かぱろう。ぼくはこのかっぱのことをちょこかっぱと呼んでいる。誕生日は7月7日の川の日。3歳らしい。

その2 ちょこかっぱは身長が8センチ6ミリ。ある日ぼくんんちの台所の蛇口から出てきた。しあわせにしてくれるぼくんちのちいさなかっぱ。

その3 ぼくんちのちょこかっぱのおともだちの紹介。
河井かぱみ 河村かぱた 河田かぱこ かえる

その4 しあわせにしてくれるぼくんちのちいさなかっぱ。見てる人をしあわせにしてくれる。実は・・・頭の上がおちょこ。ゆったり、のんびりのちいさなかっぱはぼくんちの台所にいます。もしかしてあなたのおうちにもいるかもしれません。

Kawanokaparou, 3 sai
River Field Kappa Boy, 3 years-old

One day, he came out of the faucet in the kitchen in "my house."

Kawadakapako, 3 sai
River Rice Paddy Kappa Girl, 3 years-old

This girl has bobbed hair on her head. She is overflowing with energy.

Kawaikapami, 3 sai
River Well Kappa Mi, 3 years-old

This girl likes being fashionable.

Kawamurakapata, 2 sai
River Village Kappa Ta, 2 years old

He gets a lot of attention from everyone.

Kaeru, ? sai
Frog, ? years old

He thinks he is a kappa, too.



Translation Notes

  1. Kappa (河童, "river-child") are legendary creatures; a type of water sprite found in Japanese folklore. Some descriptions say they look like tortoises and pictures usually show kappa with thick shells and scaly skin that ranges in color from green to yellow or blue. Kappa are usually seen as mischievous troublemakers. Kappa are also said to be afraid of fire, and some villages hold fireworks festivals each year to scare the spirits away. They may befriend human beings in exchange for gifts and offerings, especially cucumbers, the only food kappa are known to enjoy more than human children. Japanese parents sometimes write the names of their children (or themselves) on cucumbers and toss them into kappa-infested waters in order to mollify the creatures and allow the family to bathe. There is even a kind of cucumber-filled sushi roll named for the kappa, the kappamaki.Wikipedia: Kappa

  2. "Chokokappa" literally means "little water sprite."

  3. Kawanohi (川の日) means "River Day." It was established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (国土交通省) in 1996. The reasons they chose July 7 to be Kawanohi is because July 7 already has the image of the Milky Way legends from Tanabata (七夕), the Star Festival; July is River Conservation Month (河川愛護月間); and the season is water-friendly. The purpose of Kawanohi is that in recent years, due to urban development, business development, and flood control, they would like to regain people's interest in the river and bring attention to the relationship between people and the river by creating an environment with community activities and supporting local residents for better water. Local governments are responsible for creating the water-themed activities.7月7日は「川の日」です。

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