Thursday, April 29, 2010

Kenkou Bouya

Kenkou Bouya

Japanese Name: 健康ぼうや
Literal Translation: Health Boy
Release Date: February 2002
Original Japanese: WWW PDF

Protect the bright future of your tummy! Together with Kenkou Bouya, let's try to consider regards for the health of your tummy! Also, meet Senikun¹ and Bifiduschan.²


Translation Notes
  1. Seni (食物繊維 or しょくもつせんい, shokumotsu seni) refers to dietary fiber. There are many Japanese drinks to aid in digestion that include seni. Wikipedia: Dietary fiber
  2. Bifidus (ビフィズス菌) or bifidobacterium is a bacteria that aids in digestion. In Japan, there are bifidus yogurt drinks to aid in digestion. Wikipedia: Bifidus

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